Friday, September 26, 2008


Owen's love affair with school buses continues -- this picture is from our departure for an overnight choir retreat last weekend. Since Grosse Pointe doesn't have any school buses, he's been having a blast watching all the buses go by all day every day in Rockford. And he always yells "Bus!" when one goes by or "Buh-Buh-Bus" if he sees two or more together. Fun!



Janet said...

Comparing Owen's height to that first step on the bus, that's something to ponder! John's hooked on wheels/tires and Owen's hooked on buses for now. Soon they'll be into cars and girls.

Danny said...

At least he's saying Buh Buh Buh Bus. and not Buh Buh Buh Vus. Like me. Vah Vah Vah Banilla!!!!!